Why We Love the Red Carpet


Anne Hathaway

There certainly are plenty of opportunities to get your celebrity fix, but nothing is quite like seeing famous celebrity couples and their Emmy red carpet fashion. It’s a great opportunity to see celebrities in all the glitz and glam that makes the ‘genre’ of celebrity entertainment. The glamor, the wealth, the showmanship, its all caught by the paparazzi’s camera lens for your viewing enjoyment.

Celebrity couples offer more than a single celebrity when it comes to your average viewer’s entertainment, of course. The dynamic of that relationship, and the storyline behind the connection between those two individuals, is a way that we can relate to them in a very personal, yet universal, manner. Everyone loves, everyone looks for that special someone to connect to. New celebrity couples become a reflection of ourselves when we were in the first throes of passion and love, and so we see ourselves in them.

Of course, then there’s the fashion industry and its role in the ‘celebrity industry’. At the Oscars, red carpet fashion is a big deal. When someone wins an Oscar, red carpet fashion is even huger, as we get to see what they’re wearing as they stand up on stage, accepting their award and thanking everyone who helped them get to this point.

After all, you too could be wearing those dresses and suits, sporting those heels or ties, and even if you couldn’t afford that exact designer’s custom-made designs, you could still get an affordable knock-off that’s just as good as the real thing. Beyond that, fashion gives us a window into the celebrity’s mind, their tastes, and so on. Beyond all that, they can look pretty hot in the right clothes, and who doesn’t enjoy looking a beautiful person?

Really, that’s the root of our obsession with celebrity: beauty. We enjoy beauty, and everything that goes with it. The wealth and privilege of celebrity is born of their beauty and charisma, which is, after all, how they end up on the big screen making big money. And perhaps that is what is comes down to: they have money, and we don’t, and we’d like that to change.

Celebrities offer the hope that it could change. We don’t have to be born millionaires, as most celebrities were not. Rather, the culture of celebrity lifted them up, and their particular industries made them rich and famous. This, too, could happen to you. It’s a matter of right place and right time, along with lots of hard work.